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Species Guide » 07. Cnidarians - Octocorals » Eunicella cavolini ca / es

Scientific name: Eunicella cavolini

(Koch, 1887)

Common Name: Cat: Gorgònia groga; Cast: Gorgonia amarilla; Eng: Yellow sea whip; Fr: Gorgone jaune

Group: 07. Cnidarians - Octocorals

Area type: None in particular

Depth: Down to 100 m

Measures: Up to 50 cm

How does it look like?

It is a yellow or reddish-yellow gorgonian with variable and flexible branches, growing more or less in a single plane. The polyps are distributed in groups of 4 around its branches on quite marked warty protuberances. The base of the polyp is the same color as the branches and the polyp itself is white or yellowish, small in size, about 2 millimeters. Its height is variable, between 10 and 50 centimeters.


Where does it live?

It lives on rocks, on vertical walls between 10 and 30 meters at the coralligenous zone, although it has been found up to 100m deep. It can be found mainly at the Mediterranean and at the Eastern Atlantic.


How does it feed?

They feed their prey by capturing planktonic organisms thanks to its polyps. The polyps open in certain places of the colony and then open on all the branches.


How does it reproduce?

It reproduces by eggs that hatch in the environment, from which planktonic larvae are born.


Is a confusion possible?

It can be confused with Eunicella verrucosa, but this is very rare. Another aspect is that polyps at E.verrucosa are placed on a clear and prominent base, which is much more subtle at E.cavolini. E.cavolini has also a lower polyp density.



Phylum: Cnidaria, Subphylum: Anthozoa, Class: Octocorallia, Order: Malacalcyonacea, Family: Eunicellidae, Genus: Eunicella

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