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Species Guide » 14. Molluscs - Seaslugs » Fjordia lineata ca / es

Scientific name: Fjordia lineata

(Loven, 1846)

Common Name: Cat: Flabellina ratllada; Cas: Flabellina rallada; Eng: Lined flabellina

Group: 14. Molluscs - Seaslugs

Area type: Deep dive

Depth: Between 5 to 30-40 m

Measures: Up to 5 cm

How does it look like?

It's oral tentacles have a white longitudinal line which continues down on to the head. The two lines join to form a median line running down the body to the last part of the foot. The rhinophores are smooth, with the upper part and a stripe in white in the back. There is also a white line along each side of the body below the cerata (body appendixes). The inner part of the cerata is coloured due to the presence of the digestive gland duct, which makes it's color range from dark reddish-brown to bright red. There is usually a white line just below the top part of the cerata and there also can be a pair of white lines going down the anterior and posterior sides of each ceras, but often only parts of these lines are present. Can grow up to 5cm long.

Where does it live?

 It lives at the Atlantic and at the Mediterranean, from 5 to 30-40m depth.

How does it feed?

It is reported to feed on a variety of Tubular hydroids (F.E. Tubularia indivisa) using its radula as all nudibranches do. 


How does it reproduce?

 Nudibranchs are hermaphrodites, they have a crossed double fecundation. 


Is a confusion possible?

It's easily missidentified as Cratena peregrina. The white line which runs along the rinophores and the oral tentacles allows a precise identification.. 



· Ethimologicaly, it's name "Fjordia" is a homage to the Fjord of Oslo, where this species was first described



Order: Nudibranchia, Family: Coryphellidae, Gender: Fjordia

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